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Фитнес-центр в Измайлово
Герой дня
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16 февраля в Нижнем Новгороде прошел чемпионат и первенство России по киокушинкай КВФ. Спортсмен СК "Бусидо" Денис Морозевич стал чемпионом России в тяжелом весе, став призером / чемпионом России уже по шестой версии киокушинкай. Александр Скопа стал чемпионом России среди ветеранов.

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Главная тема
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| | 342

Коммерческий турнир по Кёкусин "Нижегородский дракон"

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 Международный коммерческий турнир по Кёкусин "Нижегородский дракон".

г.Нижний Новгород

15 декабря 2012 года 





On December 2012 in Nizhny Novgorod there will be held the professional tournament of Kyokushinkai masters “Nizhny Novgorod Dragon”.

The organizer of the tournament is Nizhny Novgorod Regional Organization of “Sports Federation of Kyokushinkai” of Russian Kyokusinkai Federation (IFK), under the leadership «Russian Kyokusinkai Association»

The chief referee of the competition is A.I. Tanushkin, the president-founderer of  Russia Kyokusinkai Federation (7 dan, Moscow).

The chief scorer of the competition is A.YU.Gorokhov (4 dan, Nyzhny Novgorod).

The championship will be held in absolute weight category according to the Olympic system amond 24 sportsmen with elimination after defeat and with the right to carry out the fight for the third place.

The prize fund of the championship “Nizhny Novgorod Dragon” is one million rubles. The first, second and third places are the prize ones.

Drug-testing will be carried out.

Charges for travel and accommodation are paid by organizer. 


1.Tournament classification
1.1. In the type of fights the tournament is a person tournament.

1.2. Tournament objective:
    - to determine the strongest players in Kyokushinkai;
2. Time and place.
    The tournament will take place in Nizhny Novgorod Circus.

    Date: December, 14-16, 2012.

3. Organizers.
 - Nizhny Novgorod Regional Organization "Sports Federation of Kyokushinkai".

Organizing committee: A. Yu. Gorokhov, Head of NNRO SFK (Nizhny Novgorod,4 Dan), V.S.Kirienko(Nizhny Novgorod,2 Dan), President of NROO "Sports Federation of Kyokushinkai", A.I.Tanyushkin(the president-founderer of  Russia Kyokusinkai Federation, 7 Dan)

4. Participation requirements and conditions
4.1. The requirements for the organizations and sportsmen participating in the tournament:
4.1.1. For the participation in Nizhny Novgorod Tournament the sportsmen require a sports passport of due form (except for the cases whenthe said passport has not been obtained owing to circumtances beyond their control) and the qualification of 2. kyu and above;
4.2. Team setting:
   - official representative;
   - 1or 2 sportsmen(upon the Commitee's summons). 

5. Tournament schedule
   december, 14  -  teams' arrival

   Weigh-in: 16.00-17.00
   Sortition: 17:00-18:00
   Main referee committee meeting: 18:00-20.00.

Schedule for December, 15.

11.00 - Preliminary fights

14:00 - Opening ceremony. Half-finals, finals
16:00 - Awarding ceremony 

December, 16.

Teams departure.

6.Prize-winning conditions
6.1.   The championship will be held in accordance with the Olympic system with elimination after defeat and based on the Kyokushinkai rules for Kyokushin group, Kumite item. The difference in weight when making the decision about the winner must not be less than 10 kg. In the final fight and the fight for the the weight difference is not taken into consideration. The sportsmen who have lost the half-finals are to fight for the third place. In case of protest or a draw the organizing committe  may allow overtime in order to determine the winner.

6.2.  Fight regulations:

6.2.1 Competitions are held on Olympic knockout system after a defeat, in accordance with the rules of discipline for the group "Kyokushinkai Këkusin», «Kumite. The difference in weight to determine the winner should be 10 kg or more. In the final match and fight for 3rd place, the difference shall be discarded. Losing semi-finalists shall fight for 3rd place. In the event of a protest or fight in the semifinal and final of the championship games, the Organizing Committee may assign additional time 1 minute for the final determination of the winner.

Formula duels: 

Qualifying matches: 3 minutes;

The basic fights: 3 minutes time + 2 minutes extra time + weight + 1 minute of extra time;

 Final fights: 3 minutes time + 2 minutes extra time + 2 minutes extra time + 1 minute of extra time.

 6.2.2. Referee on the tatami in the semifinal and final duels-Gorokhov Alexey, 4 Dan, JMC, Nizhny Novgorod.

 The participants may be asked to undergo a doping test.

7. Awarding regulations.
7.1.The prizewinners ( are awarded with medals and diplomas of the respective grade.
7.2. The prize fund of the championship “Nizhny Novgorod Dragon” is one million rubles.

7.3. Extra prizes may be donated by sponsors and other organizations.

8.1. The tournament expenses will be carried by the organizers.
8.2. The accomodation and travelling expenses of the participants (participant+ official representative) will be covered by the organizers.

8.3. participants are required to buy tickets yourself. Upon arrival in Nizhny Novgorod, the organizers undertake to pay expenses and, upon prior request to the hotel.

9.1. Every application must be signed by and verified by the personal seal of a physician allowing the participation. The application form is contained in Appendix 1.
9.2 Application address: Phone +7-909-933-40-50

9.4. The original of the application along with the ID and the insurance policy (also in the original) are submitted by the official representative of the theam to the qualification commitee.
9.5. Applications which have not been submitted in due time or filled in properly are not accepted.
9.6.Start charges are not collected.





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Редактор: Главный_редактор
Дата публикации: 15.12.2012
Просмотров: 19460


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1. Re: НДракон 15.12
Незарегистрированный пользователь  biv - 2012-11-21 в 13:13
А почему турнир отменили?

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