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Первенство Щвейцарии ШинКиокушинкай

Посетителей:   18087

Теги ШИН

Первенство Швейцарии 7-17 лет по кумитэ и ката.

г.Станс, Швейцария.

5 мая 2012 года 



Juniors-Championship 2012


Date:                                       Saturday,  5. Mai 2012


Location:                               Sports hall Eichli, Stans


Competition:                         Kumite and Kata 


Kumite-Boys:                                   Cat.1   =          Age-groups 2005-2003         – 30 Kilo

                                                           Cat.2   =          Age-groups 2005-2003          + 30 Kilo

Cat.3  =          Age-groups 2002-2001         – 33 Kilo

Cat.4  =          Age-groups 2002-2001             34 - 39 Kilo

Cat.5  =          Age-groups 2002-2001         + 40 Kilo

Cat.6  =          Age-groups 2000-99             – 39 Kilo

Cat.7  =          Age-groups 2000-99                 40 - 46 Kilo

Cat.8  =          Age-groups 2000-99             + 47 Kilo

Cat.9  =          Age-groups 98-97                 ­ – 50 Kilo

Cat.10 =         Age-groups 98-97                     51- 58 Kilo

Cat.11 =         Age-groups 98-97                 + 59 Kilo

Cat.15            =          Age-groups 96-94     -55,-60,-65,-70,-75,+75 


Kumite-Girls:                                   Cat.1   =          Age-groups 2005-2003

Cat.2  =          Age-groups 2002-2001         – 33 Kilo

Cat.3  =          Age-groups 2002-2001         +  34 Kilo

                                                           Cat.4   =          Age-groups 2000-99             –  39 Kilo

                                                           Cat.5  =          Age-groups 2000-99                 40 – 46 Kilo

                                                           Cat.6  =          Age-groups 2000-99             +  47 Kilo

Cat.7  =          Age-groups 98-97                 ­ – 50 Kilo

Cat.8 =           Age-groups 98-97                     51- 58 Kilo

Cat.9 =           Age-groups 98-97                 + 59 Kilo

Cat.15            =          Age-groups 96-94       -50,-55,-60, +60 


Protection:                                        Cat.1-11 = Feet-Instep-, Groin, Hands-, Headprotection

                                                                            If you need, Girls breast protection (must be the cup type)

                                                           Cat. 15 =   Feet-Instep-, Groin, Handsprotection,

     Girls breast protection (must be the cup type)

                                                                            Toothprotection optional


                                                           Headprotection will be provided.


Fighting-time:                                   1. Round 2 Minutes, if hikiwake (equal)

                                                           2. Round 2 Minutes, if hikiwake+no weight difference

                                                           3. Round 1 Minute, referee decision


Competition-Regulations:               The competition will be fought with physical contact.

                                                           Fighting-time is 2x2 Minutes, Prolongation 1 Minute

                                                           Half a point = Waza-Ari. Full  point =  Ippon.

                                                           In order to win, leading half a point is necessary.

If there is hikiwake (equal) there is a first prolongation. After a second equal in the second prolongation, the fighters` weight will be compared.

In categories 1-11 there has to be a difference of 2 kilo in order to win. In category 15 the weight difference has to be 3 kilos. If the weight difference should be too low in any of the categories, there is one last prolongation which will be decided by the referee.


Kata - Girls:                                     Cat.1=                        Age-groups 2005-2001         10. Kyu - 7. Kyu

                                                           Cat.2=                        Age-groups 2000-1994         10. Kyu - 7. Kyu

                                                           Cat.3=                        Age-groups 2005-2001           6. Kyu - 3. Kyu

                                                           Cat.4=                        Age-groups 2000-1994           6. Kyu - 3. Kyu

                                                           Cat.5=                        Age-groups 2001-1998         from  2. Kyu National

                                                           Cat.6=                        Age-groups 1997-1994         from  2.Kyu  National

                                                           Cat.7=                        Age-groups 2001-1994         from  2. Kyu International 


Kata – Boys:                                     Cat.1=                        Age-groups 2005-2001         10. Kyu - 7. Kyu

                                                           Cat.2=                        Age-groups 2000-1994         10. Kyu - 7. Kyu

                                                           Cat.3=                        Age-groups 2005-2001           6. Kyu - 3. Kyu

                                                           Cat.4=                        Age-groups 2000-1994           6. Kyu - 3. Kyu

                                                           Cat.5=                        Age-groups 2001-1998         from  2. Kyu National

                                                           Cat.6=                        Age-groups 1997-1994         from  2.Kyu  National

                                                           Cat.7=                        Age-groups 2001-1994         from  2. Kyu International


Kata-Regulations:                            Cat.1+2          Compulsory Kata:      Taikyoku-Sono-Ichi

                                                                                  Katas open to choice: Taikyoku-Sono-Ni und San



Cat.3+4          Compulsory Kata:      Pinan-Sono-Ichi

                                                                                  Katas open to choice: Pinan-Sono-Ichi, Ni, San,Yon


Cat.5+6          Compulsory Kata:      Pinan-Sono-Go

                       Katas open to choice: Geksai-Dai, Tsuki-No Kata,



Cat.7              Compulsory Kata:      Yantsu, Tsuki No Kata,

                                                              Gekisai Dai,


                       Katas open to choice: Yantsu, Tsuki No Kata, Saiha

                                                              Gekisai Dai, Gekisai Sho


Kata of all three rounds must be different.



Cat.1 - 6

It is worth for the first time a new assessment system. The system exists of the K.O. - System analogously to the Kumite. Two participant line up in every round mutually. First there runs Shiro (knows) and afterwards Aka (red) his Kata. Five judges decide with flag evaluation who comes to the next round. There is no Hikiwake, but always a decision of the judge. Nevertheless, the second spot the Kata may be begun if of the participant falls the first time from the Kata. Nevertheless, the second-times enterprise has a suitable influence on the evaluation of the judges.


Compulsory Kata and  Katas open to choice:

In the first and second round the compulsory is to be run. In the following rounds in each case the open to choice Kata and every free Kata may be often brought forward arbitrarily.


Participant list:

Every competitor becomes by lot to another competitor. It is possible to have free ticket in the first round.



Every competitor carries about his own belt a white or red belt, according to the competition list.


The third place (small Final) is delivered.





Cat.7 = tree rounds, we must have at least 8 competitor

Demonstration of a compulsory kata:

  • on the call of the announcer (what contains the entry-number, the name and country of the person) the competitor steps to the rim of the demonstration area and makes a bow.
  • On the command of the main judge (Nakai!) steps to the starting line and makes a bow to the judge
  • The main judge draws one of the kata cards kept in his hand – which contain the names of the compulsory katas – and announces the kata which is to be performed
  • The competitor repeats the name of the kata loudly
  • On the command of the main judge the competitor starts the demonstration
  • (e.g.: Mokuso! Tsuki-no Kata Yoi, mogore hajime!).
  • Having completed the kata, on the main judge´s command: “Naore! Yasume”  the competitor steps back to the starting line and waits for the decision



Demonstration of a free Kata:

  • the starting procedure is the same as in the case of a compulsory kata
  • after the bow the competitor announces loudly the name of the kata he/she is going to perform
  • the main judge repeats the announced kata name loudly
  • on the command of the main judge the demonstration starts
  • the ending procedure is the same as in the case of a compulsory kata




Award:                                               Kata:                        1 – 3 place, Cup and certificate

                                                            Kumite:                    1 – 4 place, Cup and certificate

                                                            Best Technique        Girls and Boys

                                                            Best Spirit                Girls and Boys


                                                            All competitors get a medallion






Starting-fee:                                       The entry fee is 25 Swiss francs, euros will be charged according to the current exchange rate and entitles to participate in both competitions.


Sayonara-Party:                                Charges is 15 Swiss francs, euros will be charged according to the current exchange rate (for food only)




Payment:                                Starting-fee and Sayonara party money to have the following account 14th be paid in April!

Account: Nidwaldner Kantonalbank Stans, Shinkyokushin
IBAN: CH7300779014053015610





Insurance:                                          Participants have to organize their insurance.

                                                            The Organisator rejects any responsibility.



Application form:                            before the 5th of April 2012




Organisator:                                     IKKA International Shinkyokushin-Karate Academy Stans

                                                           Member of Shinkyokushin Switzerland SSKA

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Редактор: Главный_редактор
Дата публикации: 05.05.2012
Просмотров: 18086


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