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Чемпионат и Первенство Европы по кекусин ИФК

Посетителей:   12823


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Чемпионат и Первенство Европы по кекусин ИФК.
г.Ереван, Армения

7-8 апреля 2018 года


Date: 7-8 April, 2018 


Place: Yerevan, "MIKA" sports complex, str. Manandyan , 41 building


Organizer: Ministry of sport and youth affairs of the Republic of Armenia and Armenian Kyokushin karate federation


 Principal Judge: Alex Kerrigan


 Guest of honour: Hanshi Steve Arneil, Shihan David Pickthall, Shihan Liam Keaveney


Participation: Eligible from among children, girls, youths and juniors, men and women in weight categories


 The competitions will be kept by the rules of  IFK


2 people from a country in each weight category from the same organization


All participants must submit:


a)     a medical health certificate, which is not older than 3 months


b)    insurance license or insurance card


c)     qualification certifying document (budo-passport),


d)    declaration of consent from parent




Even if any sportsmen breaks a single point mentioned above, he will not be permitted to take part in the tournament. If the sportsman`s name and surname is announced and he doesn`t turn out on the tatami during a minute, he will lose the fight.


 Start fee: 10-13 years 25 €, 14-17 years 30 €, adults 35 € for fighters. (the starting contribution includes transfers from the airports in hotels and back, transfers to the hall of competitions and back, a gift package to the participant, a lunch package in day of a tournament)






Age category (discipline)




U12 (10-11 years)


Weight Categories Boys -25/-30/-35/-40+40 Girls -25/-30/-35/-40/+40


Bout Duration 1.5 minute, 1.5 minute, weight, 1 minute enchosen (if 3kg weight difference the lighter


competitor is declared the winner).


Final 1.5minute, 1.5 minute, 1 minute (no weight decision)


Compulsory Safety equipment Shin and Instep/ Hand Mitts/ Headgear/ Body Protector


U14 (12-13 years)


Weight Categories Boys -40/-45/-50/-55/+55 Girls -40/-45/-50/+50


Bout Duration 1.5minute, 1.5 minute, weight, 1.5 minutes enchosen (if 3kg weight difference the lighter


competitor is declared the winner).


Final 1.5 minute, 1.5 minute, 1.5 minute. (no weight decision)


Compulsory Safety equipment Shin and Instep/ Hand Mitts/ Headgear/ Body Protector


U16 (14-15 years)


Weight Categories -55/-60/-65/-70/+70 Girls -45/-50/-55/+55


Bout Duration 1.5minute, 1.5 minute, weight, 1.5 minutes enchosen (if 3kg weight difference the lighter


competitor is declared the winner).


Final 2 minute, 1.5 minute, 1.5 minute. (no weight decision).


Compulsory Safety equipment Shin and Instep/ Hand Mitts/ Headgear/boy groin guard/ girl breast protector (cup type).


U18 (16-17 years)


Weight Categories -60/-65/-70/-75/75+ Girls -50/-55/-60/60+


Bout Duration 2minute, 2 minute, weight, 2 minutes enchosen (if 3kg weight difference the lighter


competitor is declared the winner).


Final 2 minute, 2 minute, 2 minute. (no weight decision).


Compulsory Safety equipment Shin and Instep/ boy groin guard/ girl breast protector (cup type).




The event for U16 and under will be held under the Olympic knock out system where if the athlete has lost the bout they will be eliminated from the competition.




If a category has less than five participants the organizer can use the Pool system.




Pool system can be either one or two rounds of the same length and all competitors within the pool will


compete against each other. Competitors are given 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 0 points for a loss.


The winner is the competitor with the most points. If there is a tie then the lightest competitor is the winner. If the weight is the same then the youngest competitor will be declared the winner.




      Men (18 years and older, kumite):  -70/-80/-90/90+ kg.




      Women (18 years and older, kumite): -60/60+ kg.




Bout Duration 2minute, 2 minute, weight, 2 minutes enchosen (if 5kg weight difference the lighter


competitor is declared the winner).


Final 3 minute, 2 minute, 2 minute. (no weight decision).


Compulsory / boy groin guard/ girl breast protector (cup type).




     The tournament organizers preserve the right of changing the weight-categories after holding the mandate commission.






Accommodation conditions:




Hotel Shirak – Khorenatsi st. 13a -




70 standard room

70 suite room

Single AMD 18.000

Single AMD 28.000

Double AMD 28.000

Double AMD 40.000

Triple AMD 38.000

Triple AMD 50.000

Four bed room ‪48000

Four bed room ‪60000




1(EUR) = 570 (AMD)  on 23.10.2017












Arrived team.








10:00 - 18:00 - credentials committee


(the commission will be made in process of arrival of teams to hotels)


16:00 - 18:00 – the judicial seminar. (Hotel Shirak – Khorenatsi st. 13a)


18:00 - 19:00 - the Press release. (Hotel Shirak – Khorenatsi st. 13a)






09:00 - Arrival in the sports hall of competitions, preparation.


09:30 – the Meeting of Trainers and a judiciary board.


10:00 - the Beginning of preliminary duels.


Tatami A - children of 10-11 years.


Tatami B - young and juniors of 12-13 and 14-15 years.


Podium - juniors of 16-17 years, prior to the final.


14:00 – lunch breaks, demonstration performances.


17:00 – the Floor - and the final matches in all categories.


18:00 – Rewardings of winners, a photoshoot.


19:00 – Departure of buses to hotels








09:30 - Arrival in the sports hall of competitions, preparation.


10:00 – the Meeting of Trainers and a judiciary board.


11:00 - a parade, discovery of championship of Europe.


11:30 - the Beginning of preliminary duels.


Tatami A - women.  


Tatami B – men -70/-80 kg.


Podium – men -90/90+ kg and all final.


14:00 – lunch breaks, demonstration performances.


17:00 – the Floor - and the final matches in all categories.


18:00 – Rewardings of winners, a photoshoot.


19:00 – Departure of buses to hotels


20:00 – Sayonara.




The organisers reserve the right to change the Tatami that the categories will compete on.






Sayonara: one of the best restaurants of Yerevan – 15 EUR




Hosting organisation covers the following costs:


- Transfer to and from hotel for fighters, judges and country representative


- Lunch for judges, fighters and representatives during tournament days 


- Sayonara for judges is provided by the accepting organization.




For many countries the visa isn't provided which citizens need the Armenian visas, will receive it at the airport, it will cost 5 €.




Prizes: First three places in each age and weight category are awarded with diplomas, medals and cups. As special prizes are stipulated.


The application: Applications are accepted by mail or e-mail.


Last day of reception of applications




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Редактор: Главный_редактор
Дата публикации: 08.04.2018
Просмотров: 12822


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