21 Мемориал Бранко Босняка по синкекусинкай ВКО |
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21 Мемориал Бранко Босняка по синкекусинкай ВКО.
Загреб, Хорватия
22 октября 2016 года
This year's Branko Bošnjak Memorial is 21st in a row and is held in memory of a member of Karate Club "Mladost" Samobor who lost his life in defense of Croatian sovereignty, Branko Bošnjak.
The competition has gone a huge transformation, from the first memorial that was held in 1995. in which it occurred only 16 competitors in a single, absolute category, to the later editions with 80-90-100 contestants in weight categories. The mere fact that tournament tradition is 21 years old and maybe the oldest tournament in Europe is spooking for itself.
Members of the KC "Mladost" Samobor diligently worked through the years and try to create competition that will be strong, well organized and recognized in Europe and worldwide. Painstaking work of a group of people over the years came to fruition and succeed in their plan, created a competition that is attended by the whole of Europe.
Through the years, in the memorial took part many famous European and world competitors: Donatas Imbras, Marius Illas, Jimmie Collin, Veronika Szovetes, Edit Abraham,Rita Pivoriunaaite, Gabor Rosza, Lasha Khachapuridze etc, and now few years back new generation of fighters is attending.
Also, president of E.K.O. shihan Koen Scharrenberg and members of E.K.O. board attended tournament as a special guests several times. This years 21th edition of memorial will also be a great event, as for current situation fighters from 11 countries will attend at the tournament.
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Автор: Автор фото: Редактор: Главный_редактор Источник: Дата публикации: 22.10.2016 Просмотров: 10665 |
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